Turn Metrics into

For creative entrepreneurs who are tired of just LOOKING at your vision board. You want data-backed systems that grow your business & allow you to LIVE it!

I'm ready to be a Data-Driven CEO
Let me help you 

Mulberry & Main 


Your metrics need to make sense . . . and dollars. 

You’re ready to level up and make a BIGGER impact but you have more ambition than time or energy. You can’t afford to second guess your every move and chase garden-variety strategies that have you focusing your precious waking hours in the wrong areas. 

The difference between you missing or hitting your goals isn’t you working HARDER, 

 it’s finally working SMARTER. 
Just knowing you business numbers isn’t enough.

(you already do that),

Enneagram 4, total numbers nerd who knows hitting your goals is an art & a science. 

That’s why I come in to serve people just like you with operations strategy & dashboard design.

Let’s stop playing mental gymnastics with important decisions & choose the path toward sustainable growth using data-backed decisions. 


I’ll give you the tools for the data-driven systems you need to for predictable growth & profit. 

And custom strategies that reflect you & your business—savvy, efficient, future focused, and stylish

My wish for you is...

More Clarity

Feel confident having the right next steps to move forward.

More Confidence

Know the right areas to work in to maximize your time, effort, and budget.

More Creativity

Stay in your zone of genius and enjoy more time to serve & inspire your clients..

“Where’s the mind-blown emoji??
This literally brought all the messy, untamed parts of my business into focus; in ways, I can’t even describe! Now I can forecast my growth in a smart way, not willy nilly playing a guessing game and hiring help or adding systems without being financially prepared.” 

Leah Shockley

Together we'll
Demystify your Business Data in 3 simple steps


We’ll dig deep like Nancy Drew and find the root issues. Find the leaks that are stalling your progress and how to fix it.


We’ll  Marie Kondo your operations. Charting the right course for your goals—NO more distractions. 


We’ll continue to optimize—serene & sustainable growth ahead. Hooray, your goals finally feels within reach!






(is it the copy or the tech? How do I fix it & increase my conversions??

Where all your traffic even COMES from
(is Pinterest worth your time? Or are you waisting your ad spend??)

Where is the leak in your funnel
(is it the copy or the tech? How do I fix it & increase my conversions??)

How your customers like to buy
(Is it mobile, desktop, or in store? Are there seasonal trends??)

You’d be able to see things like:

Where all your traffic even COMES from

(is Pinterest worth your time? Or are you waisting your ad spend??)

Where is the leaky step in your funnel

What's your most profitable offer

(are stale offers keeping me in the RED? How do I increase my avg order value??)






When you're ready to grow your team

(What role do I need? VA, marketing manager, project manager??)

If you're ready to grow your team
(What role do I need? VA, marketing manager, project manager??)

If your calendar is costing you money
(Where is my time most impactful? How do I stop spinning my wheels??)

If you are overpaying for your systems
(Is switching programs worth the cost? Is FG Funnels or Zoho right for me??)

You’d be able to see things like:

Where your calendar is costing you money

( Where should I focus my time? How do I stop running zoom call marathons??)

When you need to scale your systems

(Am I overpaying or just on the wrong plan? Is FG Funnels or Zoho right for me??)






What are your top performing posts?

What are your top performing posts?
(Should I make more carousels or reels? Is going live worth my time??)

What are your top referrers and affiliates
(Are collaborations worth it? How profitable is my network??)

What your email list is actually worth
(Are my open or click rates too low? What emails get the best engagement??)

You’d be able to see things like:

(Should I make more carousels or reels? Is going live worth my time??)

What are your top referrers and affiliates

What your email list is actually worth

(Are collaborations worth it? How profitable is my network??)

(Are my open or click rates too low? What emails get the best engagement??)






(Do I need a "Fast-Action Bonus"? Should I expect final day bump in sales??)

When is the best time to launch
(Are there seasonal trends? Should I just go evergreen??)

What are your registration & attendance rates
(Should I add sms text reminders? Are enough registered to hit my goal??)

What are your client sales behaviors
(Do I need a "Fast-Action Bonus"? Should I expect final day bump in sales??)

You’d be able to see things like:

When is the best time to launch

(Are there seasonal trends? Should I just go evergreen??)

What are your registration & attendance rates

(Should I add sms text reminders? Are enough registered to hit my goal??)

What are your client sales behaviors & trends






What is your customer satisfaction score

What is your typical customer service response time
(Are my members frustrated? How can I make it easier for them to get help??)

What are the top payment options
(Should I offer additional payment plans? Am I leaving money on the table??)

What is the TOP reason your members leave
(Are my churn rates too high? Are there trends to help us spot issues sooner??)

You’d be able to see things like:

(What's the top reason they leave? What blind spots am I missing that's costing me $$?

(What are my members struggling with? How can I make helping them easier??)

What are is the average client lifetime value

(Should I offer additional payment plans? How do I keep them active longer??)

What's your churn rate

Running a successful business doesn’t give you a hall pass from struggling with indecision, overwhelm, and self-doubt..

.Everywhere I looked I saw intelligent, successful women leaders giving into the “little” critic inside their heads saying, “they were making the wrong moves - it was better to keep playing small”. 

As a OBM & Project Manager for 15+ years, I started bringing data to those heartfelt and raw conversations and watched clients gain back control, clarity, and confidence. 

As decision-making became easier & faster, so did choosing the next right steps, and so did the results!

That’s exactly why I got into what I do.

Meet your new
Operations & Data Strategist

Now, I help coaches, course creators, and consultants—just like you— uncover the story behind the numbers and streamline your systems so you can ditch the drama and scale to 6 & 7 figures with ease.

Operations & Data Consulting


Steer towards long-term success with custom strategies, analytics, and ongoing support. Communicating directly with you & your crew to implement a team culture of data-backed decision making in order to reach your goals.

book A Call

Dashboard Design & Custom Tools


Optimize operations with our custom-built dashboards and tools. Like a skilled navigator, we'll help you chart your course with precision, providing visual insights to keep you on track and propel your business forward.

Learn more

System & Data Audits


Feeling off-course? Our diagnostic process will reveal hidden treasures of opportunity and glide you past costly roadblocks. Replacing decision fatigue & action paralysis with clarity & direction for "number shy" CEOs.
Get the right steps to move toward your goals with ease & confidence.

Book A Call

Here's how we can get started

“Cass’ Problem Solving And Project Management Skills Have Been The Best To Leverage In My Business. I Have Been Able To Gain Back Hours Of Time And A Peace Of Mind”

Latrice Prater

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10 Must-track Metrics

(of course you are, you know that metrics are the best  accessory a savvy business owner—like you—can have 😉.)

Not all numbers are created equal. Want to learn the 10 Must-Track Metrics that takes the guesswork out of growing your business and keeps you moving forward toward a stress-free sustainable business?

Ready to
stop guessing & start growing?